December 29, 2010

Printing Press

Up until now, my screen printing process has been very manual.  It's also very time consuming.  The fact that I'm a perfectionist doesn't help.  I measuring things out.  I wash my hands.  Remeasure.  Wash hands.  Shift things around.  Wash.  Wash again.  Measure.  Re-re-measuring.  Did I wash my hands?  Ok, it's a slight exaggeration.  I really have spent a lot of time lining up images, centering, leveling, and double checking.  And I have learned, after having printing ink all over my hands, it's worth it to keep them spotless.

Something had to change.  I needed a way to not only speed things up but also simplify the printing.  That's where a printing press comes in.  A little digging found some nice plans online.  A little more digging and I found I already had most of the supplies on hand.  After a couple custom tweaks and a few hours effort, I now this beauty of a printing press.  

I gave the press a try yesterday and the results look great.  I now have eight new zombie shirts very nearly ready for sale.  They'll be posted shortly.  That's right.  A whole horde of zombie shirts.

Now, if I can just figure out a way to speed up the heat setting process.  Maybe a monster pizza oven...the kind with a conveyor belt...

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